Curative information about tax news, updates, changelogs and related articles.

US Tax Guide for Dual-Status Aliens
Do you know anything about taxes for dual-status aliens? No, then you have come to the right place at USTAXFiling,

Everything About Foreign Rental Property Taxes
Do you wish to know about rental property taxes? Do you have a foreign rental property? You must know all

What Is the Minimum Income to File Taxes as an Expat?
Are you an expat who wishes to know what is the minimum income to file income taxes? You have come

Tax Deadlines by Country
Are you aware of the tax deadlines by country? Do you wish to get updates related to tax deadlines? Then,

How One Individual Avoided Filing an FBAR
Do you want to know about filing FBAR and how to avoid it? You have come to the right place

What Is US Double Taxation and How Expats Can Avoid It?
Do you know anything about double taxation in the US? Do you know expats can avoid it? Yes, to get

What Is the Difference Between Form 4868 vs. 2350
Do you want to perks of staying overseas? Do you wish to know about income tax filing and the difference

Tax Guide For Dual Citizens of the UK and USA
Are you having dual citizenship in both USA and UK? You wish to know about income tax filing related to dual

IRS Red Flags Every American Living Abroad Must Know
Are you an American who stays Abroad? Do you know about red flags related to IRS? Do not worry! At

Tax Deductions & Credits for US Military Service Members
Are you aware of tax deductions and credit for US Military Service members? Do you want to reduce your annual

Physical Presence Test vs. Bona Fide Residence
Do you wish to know the difference between the physical presence test vs. the bona fide test? Are you a

What Is the Foreign Housing Exclusion?
Do you want to know about FHE or Foreign Housing Exclusion? Then, you have come to the correct place at